Immortals’ top laner talks about everything from solo queue to Swarm with
We sat down with Immortals' top laner Cho "Castle" Hyeon-seong after the team's loss to Team Liquid.
We spoke to Castle after his team fell 0-2 to Team Liquid in the regular season of the LCS 2024 Summer Split. On everything from his enjoyment of Swarm to his hatred of NA solo queue, we chatted with a Castle 1-on-1.
Immortals Castle has hope for playoffs
How are you feeling about the series, Castle? Obviously, Team Liquid was a tough matchup, but how are you feeling coming out of it?
Castle: "Obviously, we were a weak team into them. Because in-game, it’s winnable, but we made, like, individual mistakes. [We made] some unacceptable mistakes. It’s pretty bad, but yeah."
How is the team feeling looking ahead to playoffs and the rest of the split?
"I think we can still make playoffs, yeah. We’re gonna do our best for playoffs. At least make playoffs and hopefully go higher. But right now, we’re just looking for playoffs. I think we can make it."
More generally, how are you enjoying your time in Los Angeles? How's North America treating you?
"I think here is actually perfect for me. I love [it] here. The environment, the vibe, the weather, everything is perfect for me. I’m enjoying it, yeah."

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Castle says solo queue is the worst part of NA
We have to ask, since it's so infamous — is NA high elo solo queue truly as bad as people say?
"That’s the hardest part, now that you mention it. Yeah, [solo queue] is the worst part [of being in NA]. As a pro player, yeah."
What makes it so bad? You've played in Korean high elo before. Why is NA solo queue so intolerable?
"In Korea, high elo solo queue is like another scrim for pro players. The pros play because they need to practice, so they can help each other. It's lots of pro players versus other pro players. It’s like practice or a scrim. But here, if you look at streamers in solo queue, the picks are just random champions."
We talked to Fnatic's coach and G2 Mikyx earlier today about the progression of the midseason meta. What do you think of the current double AD and AP jungle meta?
"I saw Riot is looking at patches about double AD carry. I dunno, they’re just too strong. We have to play around them. They’re too strong. Also, the jungle XP is so OP. The jungler actually can’t drop a camp for a gank or something. They’re just way too strong and you have to play around them."
Are there any top laners you're particularly looking forward to playing?
"The Dignitas match. I’ve never played into Licorice yet. I know he was the [best top laner] last year, I think?"

Off the topic of pro play, have you tried out Swarm?
"Yeah! Yeah, I actually enjoy it a lot. It’s fun to play, I like it a lot."
Any words for IMT fans about these last few matches?
"Last split, we didn’t even make it to playoffs. This split we can make it. We’re still trying. We’re trying to make at least playoffs. If we can, we want to go higher. We’re still doing our best."
Finally, there's a brand-new champion on the live servers. Before she hits pro play, what are your thoughts on Aurora?
"I can just say one word — OP. Aurora's ult for the enemy is like, ‘just kill us.’"