A new year means a new patch. Wild Rift. 6.0 will bring us many new things for the Riot Games’ first themed era. It will be out on Jan 9.
Riot Games promised a huge 2025 for all its games, including League of Legends: Wild Rift. Here are all the new changes coming with patch 6.0 on Jan. 9.
New Wild Rift 6.0 map design
The first biggest change on the Wild Rift 6.0 patch is the map appearance. Summoners will go on a journey through Bundle City, the Yordles city. If you don't know this species, they're a trace of spirits who generally resemble mammalian bipeds. Tristana, Heimerdinger, and Corki are some of them.
Magical mushrooms
The new map will also bring some new mechanics to the game. Under the towers, at the one-minute mark, magical mushrooms will spawn. Players who collect these mushrooms will gain a small amount of gold. However, there's a limit for each player. As far away from your base the tower is, the more mushrooms it will have.

New portals were added to the game. From 7:30 to 11:30, four sets of portals will spawn on the map connecting each base to their respective side jungle. At the 12-minute mark, two portals will appear connecting the Blue Buff to Krugs. These portals will favor your mobility but use it carefully since they have cooldowns. Think of them as strategic placement mechanics. You have to think about what can you gain from using them and being in that specific place.

New creatures
Wild Rift 6.0 patch comes along with new creatures to brighten your day! The Rift Harold appears as a fantasy orchestra composed of three instruments that merge into one when you or the other team attack them. When you summon it, it will attack the nearest turret. After the impact, it will separate again into the three instruments, and they all will attack the tower.
The Fantasy Organ and War Drum: Melee damage
The Fantasy Trumpet: Ranged damage

Baron also received magical powers and became a beautiful purple guitar. When you attack him, you'll hear him answer you with aggressive notes. The buffs are the same: recall speed and move speed. As for the minions, super minions take less damage, the siege damage deals area damage, and the ranged minions can heal allied minions.

Just like League of Legends, the Red and Blue buffs now have empowered versions. At 7:30 minutes, the buff can be shared with only the player that picks it up, at 12 minutes, the buff is shared with all the teammates.
Yordle magic
When the team composition has three or more Yordles, all teammates gain magical buffs that scale according to the number of Yordles.
Support changes in the Wild Rift 6.0 patch
Supports will now make a bigger difference. When you upgrade your support item, the champion who shared the most gold with the support will be crowned the "best partner." When you're out of combat, both will gain move speed when move towards each other. You can use this new mechanic as a way to gain an advantage in your lane push.

Item changes
As for item changes, the new Kaenic Rookern will fill a gap in the tank items providing an AP shield. They will make them tougher against magic damage, giving them the possibility to be alive more time against heavy AP carry champions.
A new themed item will also appear in your shop: the Yordle Trap. This item is for everyone who wants to be annoying by providing health and haste aside from the ability to catch your enemies and run with them in circles.

The cleanse will also be added to the summoner spell pool so players can be unaffected by other spells like ignite as well as blinds, stuns, and more.
New game mode in Wild Rift 6.0: Unbound Frenzy
Unbound Frenzy is played in Summoner's Rift but with amazing spells. Every buff will be different according to your champion and the pepper. You have over 40 champions you can choose from. This promises to be a chaotic but fun mode to celebrate this Bundle City-themed era.
Check all the champion's details in the video below.
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Collected legends and companions
Just like in League of Legends, Riot Games added a new page where everything will be stored from daily rewards to tasks, quests, and activities.
As for the little companions, there is also a small update to them: the background will change from day to night so they can redefine their circadian rhythm.
New champions coming to Wild Rift on the 6.0 patch
The "burn everything down" Rumble is finally coming to Wild Rift. Alongside this little arsonist, Gnar and Poppy will also be added to the champions poll.
Corki will be reworked helping him have access to his package easily by spawning it close to him after landing his ultimate Missile Barrage on enemies multiple times. The missiles are buffed when Corki picks up the package. According to Riot Games, this will make Corki more tempting for the players and pair with the remaining champions in terms of skills.

Upcoming events in Wild Rift 6.0
As for the upcoming events on the Wild Rift 6.0 patch, we have the usual Chinese New Year's celebrations, and 2025 is the Year of the Snake. You'll see inspired snake events, skins, and game modes! Next, we go to Valentine's Day, Carnaval, and other remarkable holidays and celebrations. In April's Fool, every yordle in the game will assume a Poppy version of themselves. Isn't that funny?
Ranked rewards
As for ranked rewards, your efforts will be rewarded with a Corki skin. On the next Wild Passes, you'll meet Psychic Detective Kennen and Pajama Guardian Lulu.
New skins coming to Wild Rift 6.0
What you all wanted to know are the next skins, so let me tell you what’s coming in the first patch of the year for League of Legends: Wild Rift.
Celestial Embroidery
In this new skin line, with a light rose and blue color palette, we have Xayah, Rakan, Lux (Mythic Chroma), Evelyn, and Irelia.

Splender Opus
The year 2025 will also feature a new skin line arriving on Jan. 9 featuring Kalista, Talon (legendary), Teemo, Dr. Mundo, and Sett (default and Mythic Chroma).
Lovestruck Jinx and Ekko
Our favorite Arcane couple will also receive pink and black skin in celebration of their love. It's impossible not to miss these two and their incredible story.

Dragonmancer Jax and Kassadin
Jax and Kassadin will also be rewarded in the Wild Rift new patch. This is a well-known skin line characterized by its bright colors and dragon details.

Project Mordekaiser, Twitch, and Darius
Another very well-known skin line from the League of Legends fans. Wild Rift will be seeing the robotic and futuristic skins coming in the next patch.

Other skins
Without a specific skin line, the Wild Rift players will also have the chance to buy Pizza Delivery Sivir, Panda Annie, Drangonblade Riven, and Super Galaxy Gnar.

Rumble skin: Badlands Baron Rumble
Being one of the surprises of the year, Rumble will come with a new skin known as the Badlands Baron Rumble.
Wow, that was a super long patch note review. That is all for now. Stick around for more League of Legends: Wild Rift news and updates on esports.gg.