Minecraft gets fresh shaders with the new Vibrant Visuals feature

Celsos Ricablanca

Celsos Ricablanca

Witness Minecraft’s next-level graphic overhaul as the game introduces the Vibrant Visuals!

During the Minecraft Live, Mojang gave players a first look at Vibrant Visuals, a proprietary shader option that significantly improves graphics in Minecraft Vanilla.

With Vibrant Visuals, the light can now enter your home through the windows. (Image via Mojang Studios/Microsoft)
With Vibrant Visuals, the light can now enter your home through the windows. (Image via Mojang Studios/Microsoft)

According to Minecraft’s Art Director Jasper Boerstra, Vibrant Visuals primarily affect the way the light interacts with the objects in the game. By adding more textures to the existing textures, developers could make blocks much more realistic and consistent with the overworld’s day and night cycle.

Minecraft’s Vibrant Visuals also affect glowing things at night

Watch out for those pair of glowing purple eyes from now on. (Image via Mojang Studios/Microsoft)
Watch out for those pair of glowing purple eyes from now on. (Image via Mojang Studios/Microsoft)

If you think the Enderman is creepy enough, brace yourself when encountering them at night with Vibrant Visuals. When this feature is on, some mobs like the Enderman and Spider will now have bright, glowing eyes, making them much easier to spot in pitch-black places.

Vibrant Visuals will also affect other light-producing things in the Minecraft world, like the Glow Berries and torches.

More details about this exciting cosmetic overhaul

Look at how bright it is in Vibrant Visuals mode. (Image via Mojang Studios/Microsoft)
Look at how bright it is in Vibrant Visuals mode. (Image via Mojang Studios/Microsoft)

Vibrant Visuals is still in development right now, but its beta version will soon become available to some Bedrock Edition devices for testing.

Since the developers took some time researching and rewriting the code for Bedrock Edition’s Vibrant Visuals, they also informed the public that a similar process might be necessary before this feature becomes available for Java Edition as well.

Nevertheless, the Minecraft team is currently firing on all cylinders to ensure Java Edition players receive the best possible implementation of Vibrant Visuals in the future.

It’s also worth noting that Vibrant Visuals is backward compatible, meaning you can play on your old worlds and just turn it on. Vibrant Visuals also run locally - you can play multiplayer even if your buddies have it off.

Stay tuned for more Minecraft news and guides here in esports.gg.