Here are the step-by-step instructions on how to fix this error.
While attempting to play Solo Leveling: ARISE on PC, you may encounter a black screen. This can be quite frustrating, but there is a solution for it. Read on for the instructions on how to fix the Solo Leveling: ARISE black screen error.
![Solution for black screen eroor in Solo Leveling: ARISE (Image via LegitLeegain on Reddit)](
Solo Leveling: ARISE black screen: How to fix it
- Press the Windows key + R
- Type in "regedit"
- Press the "OK" button
- Click on the "Yes" button
- Open the "HKEY_Current_User" folder
- Enter the "SOFTWARE" folder
- Go to the "Netmarble Corp" folder
- Open the "sololvA" folder
- Delete the "game" folder
- Close regedit
- Relaunch Solo Leveling: ARISE
![Solo Leveling: ARISE gameplay screenshot (Image via](
According to Reddit users lyonstyle and LegitLeegain, the solution to this issue in Solo Leveling: ARISE involves opening the Windows registry editor, navigating to the game's folder, and deleting it. Then, simply enter Solo Leveling: ARISE again.
![Screenshot of the game (Image via](
Launching the game requires you to sign in again as well. "You must log in every time you open the PC version of the game," the official website stated. After logging in again and relaunching the game, you should be able to continue your adventures as Sung Jinwoo and a bunch of other hunters.
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![Screenshot of Yoo Jinho at his maximum level in Solo Leveling: ARISE (Image via](
That's all for now. Are you ready to enter Solo Leveling: ARISE and duke it out in various dungeons? Stick around on for more news, guides, and updates!