All Mortal Kombat 1 Invasions Mode Season 7 Klue solutions

Amy Chen

Amy Chen


3 min read

Read on for the Season 7 solutions plus the list of rewards.

Another season of Invasion Mode is here. This is a single-player game mode with a map that looks like a board game. Players can complete some challenges to unlock skins, in-game currency, and other content. To progress through the trail, you must solve some Season 7 Klues and defeat enemies using specific methods. Read on for all of the Mortal Kombat 1 Invasion Klues Season 7 solutions plus rewards!

Mortal Kombat 1 Invasion Mode Klues Season 7 solutions

Bad ConnectionSun Do FestivalSpam block as any fighter
Booyah BabyLiving ForestUse Kameo Jax's Awww, Damn! move
Freezer BurnFlesh PitsSpam Raiden's Electric Orb attack
Get the HornsTarkatan ColonyUse Johnny Cage's Hollywood Walk of Pain fatality
Have Some FunFire TempleComplete the match with Kung Lao's Fatal Blow while also having him as your Kameo fighter
I Can Fix YouFire TempleUse Kameo Motaro's What You Get! brutality
Rewind ThatShang Tsung's LaboratoryUse Kenshi's Deep Tissue attack
Rough SkinTarkatan ColonyGet a Flawless Victory as General Shao

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MK1 Invasions Mode Season 7 Klue rewards

  1. Bad Connection: Mistress of Fans Kitana skin, common Hyper Kritical relic, 100 seasonal kredits
  2. Booyah Baby: Starved Serpent Reptile skin, epic Bloodlet relic, 100 seasonal kredits
  3. Freezer Burn: Greedy for Power General Shao skin, rare Back Atcha relic, 100 seasonal kredits
  4. Get the Horns: Might and Magic Shang Tsung palette, legendary Iron Grip relic, 100 seasonal kredits
  5. Have Some Fun: Feeding Disorder Havik palette, epic Sacrifice relic, 100 seasonal kredits
  6. I Can Fix You: Royal Feast Kitana palette, epic Turtle relic, 100 seasonal kredits
  7. Rewind That: Ravenous Tempest Rain skin, rare Flying Ace Kombat relic, 100 seasonal kredits
  8. Rough Skin: Craven Empress Sindel skin, epic No Patience relic, 100 seasonal kredits
Mortal Kombat 1 screenshot (Image via NetherRealm Studios)
Mortal Kombat 1 screenshot (Image via NetherRealm Studios)

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