Just in time for the summer!
New season, new skins! In addition to the Season 11 mythic featuring Ashe, the game has a bunch of coveted Lifeguard skins that can now be added to your collection. Read on for all of the Overwatch 2 Lifeguard skins and how to unlock them!

Overwatch 2 Lifeguard skins
- Kiriko Lifeguard skin
- Lifeweaver Lifeguard skin
- Roadhog Lifeguard skin
- Lucio Lifeguard skin
- Junkrat Lifeguard skin
- Mercy Lifeguard skin
- Cassidy Lifeguard skin
- Beach Rescue Mercy skin
- Beach Rescue Pharah skin

The Lifeguard skins include ones for Kiriko, Lifeweaver, Roadhog, Lucio, Junkrat, Cassidy, and Pharah. Mercy also has a Lifeguard skin that was released last summer. The recolor for this is the Beach Rescue Mercy one, and the color scheme matches Beach Rescue Pharah.

How to unlock the Lifeguard skins in Overwatch 2
- Kiriko Lifeguard skin: Purchase this through the shop when it arrives on July 31, 2024.
- Lifeweaver Lifeguard skin: Purchase this through the shop when it arrives on July 31, 2024.
- Roadhog Lifeguard skin: Purchase this through the shop when it arrives on July 31, 2024.
- Lucio Lifeguard skin: Earn this through the Season 11 Battle Pass. Reach tier 50.
- Junkrat Lifeguard skin: Earn this through the Season 11 Battle Pass. Reach tier 60.
- Mercy Lifeguard skin: Purchase this through the shop when it arrives in the game.
- Beach Rescue Mercy skin: Purchase this through the shop when it arrives on July 31, 2024.
- Beach Rescue Pharah skin: Purchase this through the shop when it arrives on July 31, 2024.
- Cassidy Lifeguard skin: Purchase this through the hero gallery with Overwatch Credits.

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Overwatch 2 Lifeguard skins release date
"Then launching on July 30, check out the in-game shop to dip into new Lifeguard themed skins including Lifeguard Roadhog, Lifeguard Lifeweaver, Lifeguard Kiriko, and Beach Rescue Mercy," Blizzard stated on July 9. Meanwhile, and as noted, the Lifeguard Lucio and Lifeguard Junkrat ones can be earned through the Season 11 Battle Pass as premium rewards.

Overwatch 2 Kiriko Lifeguard skin
The Lifeguard Kiriko skin, in particular, is one of the more popular ones from this new set of cosmetics. To obtain this skin, check the weekly Overwatch 2 shop rotation starting July 31, 2024 and purchase it.
This skin would likely require Overwatch Coins, which can be bought with real money, collected through the Season 11 Battle Pass, or earned for free through the Microsoft Rewards method.
That's all for now. Are you ready for these summer Overwatch 2 skins? Stick around on esports.gg for more news, guides, and updates!