Breaking down all confirmed Street Fighter 6 characters (so far)
The first roster for Street Fighter 6 has been leaked! Who will be your main? Editorial Team
Capcom responds to backlash over restrictive Street Fighter V Community License
Capcom’s quick response to the criticism may be a sign they’re reconsidering the Community License.
Michael Hassall
Capcom Pro Tour 2021 Season Final Results
The exhibition match event featured the top players from across the world. Editorial Team

Capcom Pro Tour reveals Capcom Cup VIII replacement: Regional online exhibitions
The Capcom Pro Tour will conclude with exhibition matches, rather than the Capcom Cup as is tradition. Thanks COVID. Editorial Team

The Capcom Cup is forced Online for the second year straight
Street Fighter V pros will play the Street Fighter League: World Championship online for the second year running.
Michael Hassall

#FREEMVC2 The worldwide cry for Marvel vs Capcom 2. Here’s why it is so iconic
Marvel vs Capcom 2 is a legendary game that is known around the world. While it is currently unavailable for purchase, perhaps things might change soon. Editorial Team