PSG.LGD wins the China DPC Regional Finals after dominant triumph against RNG

In the post-game interview, Ame had some special requests from Icefrog.

Sarah "KZ" Zulkiflee

Sarah "KZ" Zulkiflee DOTA 2 Game Page

RNG.xNova – “I’ve considered playing in other regions, but my priority was to play with Somnus.”

xNova, the world class position five player who is very achieved, recently sat down with Esports.GG’s LeonArthur on the player’s first ever podcast. Here is a summary for you!

Wei Yip Lee

Wei Yip Lee DOTA 2 Game Page

Vici Gaming on who they want to face: “Anyone is fine, just not PSG.LGD”(laughs)

TI10 Vici Gaming had a media press conference before their opening playoff match versus VP. Here’s the juiciest quotes from the press conference.

Wei Yip Lee

Wei Yip Lee DOTA 2 Game Page

Community casts rules for TI and the CN streamer reactions

Yesterday, Valve released a blog post on the update for Community Casts for The International.

Wei Yip Lee

Wei Yip Lee DOTA 2 Game Page

RNG’s RedPanda thinks Ceb is the key to OG’s success

RNG.RedPanda shared his views on the how he thinks about the CN Dota scene next year due to COVID, the playstyles of NTS, Somnus and White`Album, as well as the difficulty of being a shot-caller on his stream recently.

Wei Yip Lee

Wei Yip Lee DOTA 2 Game Page

Invictus Gaming and PSG.LGD, China’s strongest contenders enter TI10 as favorites

Two Major title holders, Invictus Gaming and PSG.LGD will set foot in TI10 as the favorites; both on a mission to earn China its long-yearned TI title.

Sarah "KZ" Zulkiflee

Sarah "KZ" Zulkiflee DOTA 2 Game Page

A look at the TI10 China Army, one region with the same goal – to restore glory (Part 1)

A preview of the journey of 3 Chinese teams that will be representing their region at The International 10.

Wei Yip Lee

Wei Yip Lee DOTA 2 Game Page

PUBG esports and streaming banned in China

PUBG is facing a comprehensive ban on esports and streaming in China, spelling disaster for the PUBG Global Championship and the esports scene as a whole.

Shawn "Germanicus" Heerema

Shawn "Germanicus" Heerema Gaming Game Page