Gaimin Gladiators crowns as Riyadh Masters 2024 Champions
Gaimin Gladiators are your 2024 Riyadh Masters champions.
Marco Espinoza Oliveros
Is Dota 2 dying? Analyzing the current game state through data
We have several types of statistics to show you if Dota 2 is already dead or not. This impressive game has existed for a decade.

Shiqi Chen
Here are all the teams in the Riyadh Masters Group stage
Here are the top teams that are now competing for their share of the $5 million prize pool.

Riyadh Masters Play-In Stage: Schedule, results, livestream and more
Riyadh Masters Play-In begins today! Keep up with the schedule, live results, and livestreams here.
Sarah "KZ" Zulkiflee

Beastcoast stomps BOOM and qualifies for Riyadh Masters 2024
Game 2 was so short we were still making pop corn when the GG was called.
Marco Espinoza Oliveros

2024 Riyadh Masters: All we know about the Dota 2 Esports World Cup
Riyadh Masters will host twenty Dota 2 teams from around the globe.
Sarah "KZ" Zulkiflee

Riyadh Masters 2024 Closed Qualifiers: All teams qualified
Which teams will qualify for the $5m Riyadh Masters?
Sarah "KZ" Zulkiflee

Team Secret loses Riyadh Masters slot to MOUZ
A disappointing run.
Sarah "KZ" Zulkiflee

Nouns edges out Shopify Rebellion to qualify for Riyadh Masters
A North American el classico ends up in favor of nouns.
Sarah "KZ" Zulkiflee

Twisted Minds Dota 2 roster revealed: Joins WEU stacked qualifiers
Will the farmers make it to Riyadh Masters?
Marco Espinoza Oliveros