Muerta the Mournful Revenant is the newest Dota 2 hero. Find out everything we know so far including her release date, abilities, and lore.
A new Dota 2 hero is coming to terrorize our pubs and she has a gun. The face that'll become the 124th Dota 2 hero is Muerta, the Mournful Revenant. Her entrance was revealed during TI11 and fans are ecstatic - What is Muerta about? What are her abilities? Is she going to be another Strength hero? Here is everything we know about Dota 2's newest hero, Muerta.
UPDATE: Valve just dropped new items including Forebearer's Fortune and a mini-game to tease the upcoming Muerta. Find out all about it here!
UPDATE: Muerta arrives!

The new Dota 2 hero is finally here! Muerta is a ranged, carry hero that is listed as a nuker and a disabler. Her abilities are Dead Shot, The Calling, Gunslinger, and her ultimate is called Pierce the Veil. She is a unique hero that can deal enormous damage, both physical and magical.
Find the full breakdown of her abilities, attributes, talent tree, and lore here.
When is the new hero arriving?
According to the trailer, Muerta is scheduled to release in "early 2023". Muerta is also expected to drop with the next BIG patch - notionally Patch 7.33.
In a tweet by Wykrhm Reddy, the announcement of the next update will be on March 6th, 2023. This means we'll get more information regarding the next patch, which might contain the new Dota 2 hero, after the Lima Major ends.
UPDATE: After the Lima Major ended, Wykrhm Reddy posted a graphic of Muerta with the caption: "See you tomorrow. Good night," in the Spanish language. It seems like Muerta, alongside the next big patch, will arrive tomorrow on March 6th - as was previously stated. Keep your eyes peeled throughout the evening of March 6th, as that is usually the timing of Valve patch drops!
Muerta, the Mournful Revenant: Lore and details

The upcoming Dota 2 hero, Muerta, is associated with the Lady of Holy Death also called Santa Muerte, who is the personification of death in Mexican folklore. She is often portrayed as a skeletal figure in a robe, often holding an object or two. The Muerta announcement was also released on the "Day of the Dead" which is a holiday celebrated by people of Mexican heritage.
The Muerta trailer portrays the Dota 2 hero walking through a graveyard-like land. Wherever she walks, candles light up and by the end, she pulls out a pistol and transforms into a glowing form. Her face emphasizes the calavera art which is a very prominent skull art that originated from the holiday. The trailer also resembles a practice during the Day of the Dead where the living lights up candles on the road so their dead relatives can find their way home.
In the trailer, Muerta narrated: "I have suffered the atrocities of the living and followed the trails of the damned. On both sides of the spirit veil, they whisper my name. And fear me for more than death."
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Muerta and the Revenant's Brooch

This one Dota 2 item is very obviously related to Muerta and it is the Revenant's Brooch. Muerta is the Mournful Revenant and she is also apparently wearing a brooch in the trailer. The item's lore also highlights that its owner stays between the veil of life and death. It states, "The cursed brooch of a fallen guardian who stalks forever between the veil of life and death."
Revenant's Brooch is not very popular due to its late-game price and niche purpose. It is one of the newest Dota 2 items that were introduced in February 2023. Perhaps Valve will buff this item in Patch 7.33, just in time for Muerta's arrival.
What are Muerta's skills?
There was leaked info about Muerta's abilities that came from DOTA_DM, which is a data mining group that scouts for hidden up-and-coming content. They discovered certain files that could be related to Muerta.

Some of the files use in-game icons from other heroes, and some use basic illustrations. There are three main names - "bird samurai", "corpse mother", and "gunslinger". Bird samurai is a bit far-fetched to be related to Muerta and the only thing that resembles a bird is her feathery-looking cloak. On the other hand, Corpse mother and gunslinger suit Muerta due to her corpse-like visual and gun weapon.
Here are some of the possible leaked abilities for Muerta under different aliases:
Bird Samurai:
- Avian Assault
- Plumage Parry
- Shadow Feather
Corpse Mother:
- Grave Grapple
- Life Link
- Soul Swell
- True Love
- Empowered Rounds
- Fan the Hammer
- Hail of Bullets
- Hot Feet
- Reload
- Stick em Up
- Trickshot
Now let's jump to theories. Muerta holds one pistol but she could also be a dual-wielder. From this, she is possibly a ranged hero. Her traits suit the Agility attribute which means she might also assume the carry role.
The legend of Santa Muerte says she is associated with healing and protection. If Valve wants Muerta to resemble Santa Muerte closely, one or some of her powers might possess healing abilities. This could also mean that Muerta can be a support hero.
Muerta's abilities might be similar to heroes such as Wraith King, Necrophos, and Death Prophet who mingle with the element of the dead. Reincarnation spells or skeleton armies could just fit her skill set. She can also have a transformation spell that is seen in the trailer where she transforms from the living to the dead. That is all for our Muerta theories!
Stay tuned to for more Dota 2 news and update. Keep track of the ongoing Lima Major on our event hub!