Over 100 ways to customise legends in Apex Season 21.
Apex Season 20 introduced all new Legend perks when it released back on February 13. Officially titled 'Legend Upgrades' these legend perks will provide all new ways to customise your next game of Apex.
You will be offered a choice for your first Legend Perk in a match when you level up your EVO Armor to Level 2 (Blue), and your second can be chosen with EVO Armor Level 3 (Purple). Every Perk is unique to that specific Legend.
There has been some changes to Perks since that system released.
Everything you need to know about Apex Legends Season 23:
So, what perks does each legend currently have in Apex Season 23? Here is a breakdown:
All Legend Perks in Apex
Here are all the legend perks that currently in the game.
- LVL 2:
- Murder Machine - After a squad wipe, callout nearby squads within 150 meters
- One Minute to Live - Using Passive tracks enemy position on map for 60 seconds.
- LVL 3:
- Greedy Snare - Arc Snare multiple enemies. Greatly increase lifetime to 15 seconds.
- Twin Snares - +1 Tac charge
Ash gets some pretty good perks in this system. Her level two perks will suit either aggressive or defensive players. Then, the Lasting Snare could even be as good as a Horizon Black Hole in certain situations if you have arc stars.
- LVL 2:
- Ringmaster: Gain access to Ring Consoles
- Void Vision - Enemy Recon after exiting tac.
- LVL 3:
- External Nexus- Infinite Ult Duration
- Tactical Cooldown+ - -10s Tac cooldown.

- LVL 2:
- Sling-Shot - Sling weapon levels up with each upgrade selection.
- Lasting Bullet - Smart Bullet duration tripled
- LVL 3:
- Extra Bullet - +1 Tac charge
- Speedy Whistler - Successful hits with Tactical give a 2s burst of speed
Ballistic's level two perks seem like they will be pretty useless. However, Lasting Bullet could be really annoying to face. Overloading two enemies weapons in one fight could also be very powerful.
- LVL 2:
- Tactical Cooldown - Tactical cooldown reduced by 5s
- Ultimate Cooldown+ - Ultimate cooldown reduced by 60 seconds.
- LVL 3:
- Cover Me - Auto-Ping enemies who trigger Passive (but no longer tracks them)
- Refuge - Regen HP inside Smoke
Bangalore has surprisingly strong perks, given her place in the game. Her Ultimate, one of the strongest in the game, gets a cooldown buff. Then you can either get scans on enemies, or some health regen.
Bloodhound Apex legend perks:
- LVL 2:
- Odin's Glare - Double Tac full-body scan duration
- Ravens Blessing - White Ravens charge Ult
- LVL 3:
- Sighthound - Reduced Tac cooldown by 50% while Ultimate is active
- Flock- Remove enemy range requirement for White Raven spawns

Bloodhound also has a solid roster of perks. Sighthound will be particularly enticing for those Bloodhound mains who want to take a lot of fights.
- LVL 2:
- Sister Spikes - +1 max active Spikes
- Long Veil - Increase Dark Veil length
- LVL 3:
- Resilient Veil - Increase Dark Veil lifetime
- Ferr-Door - Rebuild and reinforce missing doors.
Catalysts level two legend perks essentially revert her Apex Season 19 nerfs. You can only get one or the other though! No Show and Long Form, depending on how much of an improvement they provide, are also great perks.
- LVL 2:
- Parabolic Force - Increase Tac throw range
- Residual Toxins - Extend Nox Vision time
- LVL 3:
- Breathe It In - Regen HP inside Nox Gas
- Particle Diffuser - Increased gas area for ult
Breathe It In might be one of the most terrifying of all the Apex perks coming to any of the legends. Diffuse also seems like it could be very effective, especially later in the game. Imagine a final circle, filled with your gas, and you're healing inside it? Uh oh...
Conduit Apex legend perks:
- LVL 2:
- Battpack - +1 Shield Battery stack limit. Shield Battery stack count shown on Deathboxes.
- Bigger Jam - Increased Ult damage radius
- LVL 3:
- Split Charge - +1 Tac charge, -50% shield heal duration
- Radiant Transfer - +10m Tac range

Conduit gets some pretty average perks in Apex Legends Season 23. This makes sense, as she is already a very powerful legend. Split Charge is a really interesting concept.
- LVL 2:
- Network Expansion - +25% Passive and Ult range
- Off the Grid - Crypto cloaks when in Drone
- LVL 3:
- Satellite Imagery - +1.5s Scan Duration. Scans on Ult hit.
- Hackathon - Double Drone recharge rate and a speed boost when it is destroyed

- LVL 2:
- Scar Tissue - Ignore slow and 50% damage from Ult
- Ringmaster - Gain access to Ring Consoles
- LVL 3:
- Wreckless - -50% explosive damage
- Knuckle Hustler - Speed Boost on Knuckle Cluster hit
Fuse gets some pretty solid perks. Wreckless might help those Fuse players out there that just can't help but take damage to their own ordinance.
Gibraltar Apex legend perks:
- LVL 2:
- Big Bruddah - Increase Ult radius by 20%
- Fast Shotties - Auto reload shotguns on knocks, move faster with Shotguns
- LVL 3:
- Baby Bubble - Smaller bubble. Faster cooldown
- Bubble Bunker - +4s Tac lifetime
Gibraltar gets refreshed perks in Apex Legends Season 23, this includes the excellent Big Bruddah and Bubble Bunker perks.
- LVL 2:
- Big Bang - See ordnance through walls and deathboxes
- Battery Collection - Shield Battery count shown above Death Boxes, +1 Battery stack limit
- LVL 3:
- Tactical Cooldown - Reduced Tac cooldown
- Ultimate Cooldown - -14% Ult cooldown
Like Conduit, Horizon's legend perks are pretty uninspiring, but as she is one of the strongest Legends in Apex this makes a lot of sense.
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- LVL 2:
- Extended Flight - 1.5s extra Glide with D.O.C
- Battpack - +1 Shield Battery stack limit and Shield Battery count shown on deathboxes
- LVL 3:
- Enhanced Radio - Increased D.O.C assignment distance
- Tactical Cooldown+ - Reduce Tactical cooldown by 10 seconds

Lifeline gets all new Perks to coincide with Season 23's Lifeline rework. Extended Flight is a no-brainer, but the Level Three perks are a tossup between what will be most useful.
- LVL 2:
- Market Expansion - Black Market range increased
- High Value - Increase Tac height and range
- LVL 3:
- Tactical Cooldown - Reduced Tac cooldown
- Shopping Spree - Loba can take an extra item from Black Markets
Loba gets decent power from her legend perks. The Apex armour changes were a bit of a Loba nerf, so we could have perhaps seen some extra power here. Maybe Shopping Spree should've been for the whole team for instance.
Mad Maggie Apex legend perks:
- LVL 2:
- Fire Ball - Wrecking Ball catches fire and explodes in thermite.
- Shots Shots Shots - Auto-Reload shotguns on knock.
- LVL 3:
- Big Drill - Increase depth and width of Tactical by 50%.
- Drillslinger - Gain a Riot Drill charge; reduce active duration by 25%.
Mad Maggie is another big winner from the new Legend Upgrade system. She gains a range of extra firepower, with Fireball seeming particularly strong.
- LVL 2:
- Battpack - +1 Shield Battery stack limit and Shield Battery count shown on deathboxes
- More Me - +1 Ult decoy, -30s cooldown
- LVL 3:
- Me Two - +1 Tac charge
- Bamboozle Bonus - Bamboozles refresh Tac
More Me allows you to cause great chaos with Mirage, as does Me Two.
Newcastle Apex legend perks:
- LVL 2:
- Hero's Hustle - Increase Revive Move Speed
- Swift Shield - Increase Mobile Shield speed to sprint speed
- LVL 3:
- Ultimate Savior - Castle Wall slam grants 15 seconds of Shield Regen to allies in the impact area
- Stronghold - Increase Castle Wall HP and energized duration
Newcastle's new Ultimate Savior is an amazing perk, that can prove a game changer in Apex Legends games.
- LVL 2:
- Thick Skin - -25% Stim damage
- Mad Hops- -+1 Ult charge
- LVL 3:
- Airborn Agility - Change directions on double-jump
- Thick Skin - -25% Stim damage
Is there a more lore-accurate legend perk in Apex than Wreckless? Aerial Agility might be your only way to tap strafe on controller in Apex Season 20.
- LVL 2:
- Field Research - Gain access to Survey Beacons
- Ringmaster - Gain access to Ring Consoles
- LVL 3:
- Down and Away - Reset Tac on knock
- Zipline Zen - Take less damage on energized Ziplines (50%)
Pathfinder is another big winner with the addition of legend perks in Apex. For ALGS teams, Pathfinder might be viable once more. For aggressive players, Death Grapple lets you get in, kill someone, and get out.
Rampart Apex Legend perks:
- LVL 2:
- Ultimate Cooldown - -20% Ult cooldown
- Bandolier - Carry extra ammo per stack
- LVL 3:
- Ramped Up - Improved Sheila handling and spinup time
- Amped Reloads - Faster reloads with Sheila & Amped Cover
Fighting a Rampart in a 1v1 might actually be pretty dangerous now. Previously Shiela's slow spin up made it hard to take someone out directly.
- LVL 2:
- Ultimate Cooldown - Reduces Ult cooldown by 30s
- Murder Machine - After a squad wipe, callout nearby squads
- LVL 3:
- Tactical Cooldown - Reduced Tac cooldown
- Grim Leaper - Tac refresh on knock
Revenant, another powerful legend, also gets some pretty tame perks in the new system. They are mostly focused around his tactical. After all, his Ultimate can't really get any stronger.
Seer Apex legend perks:
- LVL 2:
- Artists Reach - +20m Ult throw range
- Ultimate Cooldown - reduces Ult cooldown by 30s
- LVL 3:
- Focus Scan - +1.5s scan duration
- Long View - +25m Pas/Tac range
Let's be honest. These legend perks won't help Seer move from his place as the least picked competitor in the Apex games. Not that that's really a bad thing...
Valkyrie (as of 22.1 update):
- LVL 2:
- Afterburners - Launch higher with Skyward Dive
- Full Coverage - Missile Swarm widens to 3/5, reduces tactical cooldown.
- LVL 3:
- Eyes in the Sky: Enemies are revealed from further away and through Walls while Skydiving.
- Full Tank - +25% Jetpack fuel

Eyes in the Sky is a MUST PICK in Apex Legends games if you play Valkyrie.
- LVL 2:
- Ringmaster - Gain access to Ring Consoles
- Ultimate Reload - Increase Ult Accel charge
- LVL 3:
- Bat Bounce - Improved Tac double-jump
- Sharpshooter - Refresh Tac on hits with Ult
Vantage sit's in an awkward spot in Apex, and you'd be forgiven for assuming she'd get much better legend perks. Ultimate Efficiency is a really strange choice for Vantage, given she holds several charges in her weapon already. Unless it totally reloads your custom sniper...
Wattson Apex legend perks:
- LVL 2:
- Revive Expert - Revive allies faster and with health regen to full health.
- Falling Stars - Ult interceptions spawn Arc Stars
- LVL 3:
- Power Pylon - Double Ult HP placed Ultimates regain charge
- Emergency Power - Double Ultimate max charge and shield recharge rate
Wattson is another big winner. Power Pylon and Emergency Power are both fantastic abilities, and you could easily use either one of them in most games. Revive Expert also suits the Wattson playstyle really well.
- LVL 2:
- Ultimate Cooldown - Reduced Ult cooldown
- Sixth Sense - Passive triggers when squads approach
- LVL 3:
- Tactical Cooldown - Reduced Tac cooldown
- Fast Phase - Faster Tac wind-up
I think we speak for every Apex player when we eagerly await the outcome of choosing Quick Shift. Does she get her old, Season 0, phase back? If she does, this might be the gamechanger Wraith has needed to get back to the top of the Apex games.
That's all the current perks coming in Apex Legends Season 21. Stay tuned to esports.gg for the latest Apex Legends and esports news