Apex Legends Steam player numbers drops to lowest level in years
Player numbers continue to fall for Apex Legends.
Tom Bull
Apex Space Hunt event adds new Universal Heirloom to the game
New cosmetics, a new Universal Heirloom and a new LTM.
Tom Bull
All 100 Legend Perks in Apex Season 22
Over 100 ways to customise legends in Apex Season 21.
Tom Bull
Apex Legends Season 22 Map Rotation
What are the current Apex Legends maps in rotation?
Tom Bull
Apex mid-season 22 patch notes finally nerfs Revenant
What’s changing on Tuesday?
Tom Bull
Hardecki retires from Apex, moving to Deadlock
The end of an era in Apex Legends.
Tom Bull
Apex has banned over 6 million accounts since launch
Respawn are working hard to tackle cheaters in Apex Legends.
Tom Bull
How to redeem Apex Legends Twitch Drops (August 2024)
Here is how to get Apex Legends Twitch Drops, step by step.
Tom Bull
E-District makes competitive Apex debut in Apex Twitch Rivals
E-District in the ALGS?
Tom Bull
The Ultimate Apex Legends Tier List: who is the best legend in Season 22?
With so many legends to choose from, which Legends are worth your time this season?
Tom Bull