JLingz took a victory in the ALGS Pro League. They turned around a poor first week to bounce back in style.

JLingz took a much needed victory as they bounced back from their poor opening ALGS Pro League performance. The roster of Ali "Naghz" Naghawi, Cameron "Noiises" Walker and Jame "Jmw" Walters will be delighted with their turnaround. They managed to see off a firm challenge from Fire Beavers to keep first place.

esports.gg spoke to Noiises after the days games to find out exactly how they turned around their performance.

Elsewhere, both Danish and Horizon Union also impressed. Neither team are considered among the 'best' of EMEA, but both seriously improved their playoff credentials with their performance today.

JLingz return to form

JLINGZ were one of the surprises of the opening weekend of Pro League. They made a very slow start to their ALGS Pro League campaign, struggling to get any momentum going.

Some of their struggle seemed to be down to an adjustment of playstyle. The Season 16 update completely ripped up the playbook that IGL Noiises had been working from in the previous split.

JLingz Noiises (Photo: EA/Joe Brady)
JLingz Noiises (Photo: EA/Joe Brady)

Crypto can no longer remotely scan zone, and their old drop spot essentially no longer exists. As iG International Noiises and JMW had been landing the North side of Lava Siphon. They were splitting this POI with other teams, and using Crypto to remotely scan the beacon and read the zone. The jump tower allowed them a quick rotate away. With no way to remotely access Ring Consoles, this plan was completely removed from the game.

More emphasis on zone pays off for JLingz on Worlds Edge

Some of their struggles seemed to come as a result of a new playstyle. Noiises is a top tier zone IGL, but JLingz found themselves on the edge of zone and not set up in powerful positions.

JLingz Jmw was swapepd to Wattson (Photo: EA/Joe Brady)
JLingz Jmw was swapepd to Wattson (Photo: EA/Joe Brady)

Today, JLingz adjusted their style and it paid off in particular on Worlds Edge. While this wasn't the same playstyle that we saw last split, it felt a lot more like a Noiises gameplan. JLingz took up strong positions, even if they weren't always rotating super early. They sometimes scanned the third zone, to then fly into a strong position. The exchange of Catalyst for Wattson helped JLingz shield economy from Overlook, and helped them keep a bigger presence. Wattson is still much better than Catalyst for passively holding space and maintaining your shields.

They played aggressive in zone, benefitting from two fantastic controller players in JMW and Naghz. Across their three Worlds Edge games they racked up a very healthy 28 kills. They picked up a game win in game two, and could have perhaps won the third game if it wasn't for a portal in the back as the final circle started to close.

While it would have been premature to have been worried about JLingz after the first playday, they will be very relieved to have improved their performance today.

Noiises: "The main difference was my calling"

Speaking to esports.gg after the games, JLingz Noiises felt he was the biggest difference in his teams performance.

"The main difference was in my calling. I played much better today, I put us in control of our own games, and I responded to my shortcomings from last week, which was mainly caused by stress and pressure."

JLingz felt much more in control today, according to the Brit.

"I felt very comfortable today, and felt like the game was in my hands at all times. I have so much faith in my team mates that it makes my job a lot easier as well."

Noiises revealed that he felt a lot of pressure last week. (Photo: EA/Joe Brady)
Noiises revealed that he felt a lot of pressure last week. (Photo: EA/Joe Brady)

When asked how you shake off a poor performance, Noiises stated it is easy when the problems are clear.

"I can shake off the poor performance very easily because I know what went wrong and therefore I can fix it. In this case, it was caused by pressure. So, I relieved some of that pressure and it makes me play better. We also made some macro changes and played the game at our own pace, which definitely made a big difference to our abilities."

Noiises also admitted that last week, he felt so much pressure he abandoned his own gameplans.

"I have put a lot of time into macro and gameplan, and previously I put so much pressure on myself that I didn't even stick to my plans. But, today i was zen and was actually able to commit to my ability".

JLingz will play again tomorrow, and look to build on their success.

Danish also recover from poor start

Another team who have managed to bounceback is Danish. They, like JLingz, picked Wattson over Catalyst on Storm Point and found success. They finished fourth overall, earning crucial points towards the overall standings.

Danish were perhaps a surprise package of the first split. They would have been considered among the most likely teams to be relegated back to the Pro League qualifier, but very quickly adjusted to the standard and comfortably retained their space in the Pro League.

However, they made a very poor start to the second split, struggling to 18th.

Danish arrived today in good form, having impressed in the Zephyr Showdown Qualifier on Friday night. Momentum in Apex Legends is key, especially from a gameplay perspective. IGL Bavis took to Twitter to express his confidence in his calls.

Their set up on Storm Point gives them great flexibility. Danish are using Wattson and Bangalore which gives them the opportunity to play in open space, and clear positions as well as bunker down in a building. Storm Point has a wide variety in zones, and the ability to flex between spots helped Danish towards a first and second place on Storm Point.

Danish use Bangalore on Storm Point
Danish use Bangalore on Storm Point

Are Danish outside bets for LAN?

Can Danish be considered contenders for the top ten? The EMEA region is wide open, and Danish have showed they can compete at the top of the region, they just need to find some consistency. They are one of the hardest working teams, scrimming as much as they can. Danish even compete in Challenger Circuit scrims when they have a spare evening, showing their desire to take any chance to improve.

For full ALGS results, check out our ALGS Score hub here.

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